Why is first aid training important at Vietnam’s golf courses?

by | March 5, 2018 | Blog | 0 comments

Over the past decade, golf has really taken off in Vietnam. There are a number of world class golf courses and the country is rapidly gaining increasing recognition as a prime location for the sport. As of October 2015, there were approximately 38 golf courses in the country, but another 65 are at some stage in the planning, development or construction phases. And why not? Vietnam has warm weather, plenty of sunshine and locations that have stunning potential for golf courses. As the Vietnamese economy continues to develop, it’s likely the domestic demand for golf courses is going to continue to grow significantly.

Golf can bring a load of health benefits – it burns calories, gets people outside in the fresh air, and is general a low-risk injury sport. Yet according to a study by the American Heart Association, golf courses are among the most common places for a heart attack to occur. In the USA alone, 3,000 golfers die every year on golf courses. 95% of all heart attacks that occur on golf courses are fatal. There are a number of reasons for this, including age/gender profiles, as well as time taken to get medical help.

With clear evidence that golf courses can be high risk places for heart attacks, what can be done to reduce the risk to Vietnam’s increasing number of golfers?

The Chain of Survival

The Chain of Survival are the four key steps needed to ensure the best outcomes in the event of a heart attack:

  1. Early recognition – early recognition and call for medical help.
  2. Early CPR – this buys time, keeping oxygenated blood flowing to the bodies vital organs.
  3. Early defibrillation – Defibrillation is the only way to restart the heart in cardiac arrest.
  4. Post resuscitation care – to restore the quality of life.

If a defibrillator is used and effective CPR is performed within 3-5 minutes of cardiac arrest, survival chances can increase from 6% to 74%.

Simple, cost effective training, combined with the appropriate equipment and procedures, can make a huge difference to the chance of survival for heart attack victims.  As golf grows in Vietnam, course owners have the opportunity to learn from the evidence gathered in other countries and keep their golfers protected.

You can learn more about VSLC’s CPR and AED course here, and you can get in touch to book training.

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